National Partners
Exchange partnered with Veterans Matter in 2015. Veterans Matter is solely dedicated to providing deposits/first month rent for ready, waiting veterans who can use can use HUD-VASH vouchers to cross the threshold into safe, permanent housing. Veterans Matter has a 100% success rate in getting veterans housed in a government program that has a 91% success rate in keeping veterans housed. At the time the partnership was forged, 50,000 veterans (and families) were reported homeless. Exchange Clubs across the country are encouraged to host events, such as walks and rallies, to help raise funds for veterans waiting to be housed. These events, appropriately named “11/11@7”, will be held on Veterans Day at 7 p.m., eastern.
Learn more about the impact of Veterans Matter, and how important Exchange is to the organization’s success.
Darkness to Light and The National Exchange Club partnered at Exchange’s 93rd National Convention, held in Detroit, MI, in July 2011. Exchange’s relationship with Darkness to Light officially joined the two organizations in their common goal of preventing child abuse. Through this partnership, local Exchange Clubs utilize Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children program as an Exchange Club Program of Service project.
The American Red Cross partnered with The National Exchange Club to collaborate on projects for the benefit of local communities at Exchange’s 92nd National Convention, held in La Quinta, CA, in July 2010.
The Healing Field Project was unanimously endorsed by the National Exchange Club Foundation Board of Trustees and The National Exchange Club Board of Directors at Exchange’s 85th National Convention, held in Birmingham, AL, in July 2003. A resolution was passed in support of the project, which can be utilized to honor any number of people, including abused children and war veterans.
The National Exchange Club receives a donation from Colonial Flag Foundation for every Exchange-sponsored Healing Field.
Exchange Club Centers for the Prevention of Child Abuse are the product of the prevention of child abuse being adopted as Exchange’s National Project in 1979. Exchange Club Prevention Centers receive varying degrees of support from local Exchange Clubs under the National Project, including establishing the centers and supporting affiliate programs (agencies providing prevention of child abuse services, but not complying with the program or organizational requirements for an Exchange Club Prevention Center). Exchange Club Centers for the Prevention of Child Abuse provide Exchange’s Parent Aide services and comply with national accreditation standards.